

Huinan Xia's House

惠南夏氏宅现位于上海市浦东新区惠南镇人民东路,由夏履之建于民国十年至民国十九年,为一座二层砖木、砖混结构的典型风格建筑。该住宅在新中国成立后,由南汇驻军使用,后归原南汇区武装部所有。目前作为办公场所使用。 建筑整体呈中西合璧风格,布局规整。原有房三幢,现存两幢。坐北朝南,水泥墙面,灰色平瓦顶。前一幢为主楼,由二层跑马楼围合形成四合内院,正房为五开间,两侧厢房各三间,皆二层楼房,四周回廊,进口花地砖贴面。后楼为面阔五开间一幢二层楼房,前后楼以天桥相通。 该建筑具有一定历史、艺术、科学价值,于2017年1月25日被公布为浦东新区文物保护点。

Huinan Xia’s House was built in 1921-1930 (Republic of China). After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the house was used by the Nanhui Garrison and later it was returned to the Armed Forces Department of Nanhui District. It has the features of Shanghai traditional residences.

The Xia’s House originally had three buildings, yet only two exist now, covering an area of 999.5 sqm, with a floor area of 2,160 sqm. The south-facing House is brick-wood structured and uses cement walls plus gray roofing tiles. The front two-story building is the main building, which adopts Jiaoquan layout (a ring-like shape quadrangle courtyard) and combines Chinese and Western architectural styles. Its main house is five-bay wide and there are three rooms on both sides, all connected by roofed corridors. Imported tiles are used as paving. The back building is also a two-story, five-bay wide building. There is a platform bridge connecting the front building and the back one.

It was announced as Cultural Relic Preservation Site of Pudong New Area on January 25, 2017.


  • 级    别: 浦东新区文物保护点(第一批次)
  • 地    址: 惠南镇人民东路3218号
  • 类    别: 近现代重要史迹及代表性建筑 > 典型风格建筑或构筑物
  • 年    代: 民国
  • 占地面积: 999.50(m2)
  • 建筑面积: 2160(m2)
  • 所 有 权: 国家
  • 公布日期: 2017-01-25
  • 安全管理: 责 任  单 位 > 南发物业
  •            责  任  人 > 徐永斌
  •            责任人职务 > 区域经理
  •            责任人电话 > 20960878
  •            管  理  人 > 王耀军
  •            管理人职务 > 安全员
  •            管理人电话 > 20960605


  • Level: Cultural Relic Preservation Site of Pudong New Area
  • Address: No.3218 East Renmin Road
  • Category: Important modern and contemporary historic sites and typical buildings > Typical style buildings/structures
  • Dynasty/Year: Republic of China Period
  • Floor Area: 999.50(m2)
  • Building Area: 2160(m2)
  • Ownership: State
  • Promulgation Date: 2017-01-25
